A Dilation & Curettage is a minor 10 to 15 minute operation, usually performed under a general or local anaesthetic. You will need to wait for at least 6 hours before a general anaesthetic if you have eaten. If you know ahead that you will probably have a D&C it is advisable not to smoke and drink alcohol 24 hours prior to your operation as well as refraining from eating for 6. The D&C involves dilating (opening) your cervix, or neck of the uterus (womb), and gently scraping it with a curette (an instrument with a long handle, the end shaped like the rim of a hollow spoon). Any pregnancy tissue that is left is removed which is done to prevent infection and excessive bleeding. In some hospitals the tissue will then be sent to the laboratory to be examined under a microscope. In others this may be an option and there also may be a charge.